Metallurgical Laboratory

Metallurgical Laboratory  

Amfin’s internal Metallurgical lab carries out a wide range of specialised processes such as hardness testing, sample preparation, microscopic assessment (including software-based analysis tools) and foreign object determination (FOD) in a dedicated clean room.  

Metallurgical testing is a method of quantifying the properties of metals in conjunction with mechanical testing and chemical analysis.  

It is used to determine material grade and grain size, and to validate new material or mixed batches, microstructure analysis and failure analysis.  

Our In-house Metallurgical Laboratory facility enables Micro Evaluation examination of metals from many of our processes and Hardness Testing to control coating requirements or customer compliance.  

This is accomplished through various techniques and equipment, where our expert staff members can identify material types, defects, and processing errors. Metal products also receive root cause failure analysis services.  

Our in house team of skilled industrial engineers, technicians, and scientists support clients in aerospace, automotive, insurance, medical, and construction industries.  
Contact us today and let us know how we can meet your testing needs regarding metallurgical materials. 


Etch Inspection  

Etch inspection of finished machine parts (after chemical etching) is a major process “goalkeeper” as one of the very final processes to be carried out to “Critical” and “Sensitive” rotating components prior to assembly in the aircraft engine.  

Amfin is proud of its experienced and meticulous inspection team, who work from a dedicated inspection room using specified optical equipment.  

If you have any further questions about our Metallurgical Laboratory, contact us on:
+44 (0) 1455 637284
Or email:
[email protected]
