Coronavirus COVID-19

April 2020 | News

As you are all aware the situation in the UK and the rest of the world is changing
on a daily basis, which makes it extremely difficult for our business to plan against.

During these difficult and ever-changing times, we would like to assure all our customers and staff, that we are doing everything possible to maintain our services.

Over the last few weeks we have implemented the following:

•          Supplied individual hand sanitiser.

•          Postponed all non-essential meetings/visits

•          Installed an additional 14 hand sanitiser dispensers across the facility.

•          All visitors/contractors are asked to confirm the understand the guidelines
           set out in our Coronavirus COVID-19 Statement.

•          Delivered “State of the Nation” meetings to small groups instead
           of the whole workforce.

•          UK Gov & NHS guidelines emailed and displayed around the site.

•          Changed operational hours where possible to enhance social distancing.

•          Enforced working from home where possible.

•          Additional cleaning throughout the day on communal door handles.

•          Enforced social distancing by relocating some office staff to unused office spaces.

•          Staff with underlying health conditions sent home.

•          Maintenance team are inspecting processes for possible weak points.

•          Poster campaign as per gov. website.

•          NHS handwashing video sent to all email accounts.

•          Refresher given to all staff on social distancing.

•          Supplied Feverscan temperature strips.

•          Purchased & made available equipment to accurately record body temperature.

Our commitments remain unchanged:

•          Protect the health and wellbeing of all our staff

•          Continue to support our customers

Be assured that for now it is “Business as Usual” so please remain safe.

Gary Griffiths

Managing Director.